
Welcome to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Panola County. We offer practical, how-to education based on university research. It’s available to any resident of Texas and covers a wide range of subjects: from landscaping your yard to managing your family’s money, from developing leadership in young people to being a wise consumer. In other words, there is something for everyone. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension is a member of the Texas A&M University System and reaches out across the state to all people – where they live and where they work.

Upcoming Events – February 2025:

2/1: Shooting Sports Indoor Archery Meet, Expo Hall

2/3: ALPA Meeting, 6:00pm, Extension Office

2/6: Rabbit Validation, 6-7pm, Expo Hall

2/7: Entry and payment due in the Extension Office for the Project Fair

2/7: East Texas Fruit and Nutt Vegetable Conference, 7:30am, Tyler, TX

2/10: Cottage Food Class, 5:30pm, Carthage Chamber of Commerce

2/10: 4-H Council Meeting, 6:00pm, Extension Office

2/12: Diabetes Support Group, 10:00am, Sammy Brown Library

2/17: Extension Office Closed for Presidents Day

2/18: Horticulture in the Evening, 5:30pm, Sammy Brown Library

2/21: District 5 Food Challenge, Center, TX

2/28: Mid-Sabine Cattleman Conference, 8:00am, Carthage Civic Center

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