Clarissa’s PSA’s

May 2024

5/7/24: Daytime Habits for Improved Sleep

Sleep is a common problem for many of us, and has a significant impact on our short and long-term health. Many times we don’t think about how our daily habits can affect our sleep quality which is a big mistake! I’m Clarissa Moon with a few tips on daily habits to incorporate for improved sleep quality.

In the Morning:

  • Wake at the same time each day, even on weekends and holidays.
  • Make your bed! It gives you a mental boost for your day, plus people who do this are more likely to sleep better at night.
  • Lastly, eat breakfast by a window or outdoors to help your circadian rhythm.

In the afternoon:

  • Exercise at lunch. Exercise helps improve sleep! Do it in the morning and you may sacrifice sleep. Do it too late in the day and it may keep you awake.
  • If you need a nap, get it in before 3:00 or so, and limit it to 30 minutes.
  • Don’t consume caffeine after 4:00 p.m. It can linger in your system for 4 hours or more. You may need to cut it earlier in the day if you are especially sensitive to caffeine.

In the evening:

  • Gradually reduce light by using lamps and dimmers. Excessive lighting can goof up your circadian clock.
  • Turn down the thermostat and/or use a fan to mimic your nighttime drop in body temperature.
  • Unplug and turn off the screens at least 30 minutes before bed. Blue light and constant stimulation keep you awake longer.
  • If you’re prone to get hungry at night, have a light snack before bed.
  • Go to bed around the same time each night.

For more information visit or Thanks for listening to the Moon Minute!


5/14/24: How often Should you Shampoo?

Hey there, shower enthusiasts! While you’re enjoying that refreshing cascade of water, let’s talk about something important: washing your hair. You see, shampooing isn’t just about keeping those locks looking luscious; it’s also about taking care of your scalp. I’m Clarissa Moon here with the scoop.

According to the Mayo Clinic, regularly shampooing your hair is essential for keeping your scalp clean. Without proper cleansing, dead skin and oil can build up, leading to uncomfortable conditions like dermatitis or dandruff. Nobody wants that itchy, uncomfortable feeling, right?

Now, we know everyone’s hair is different, so here are some general guidelines to keep in mind: For those with textured hair, it’s typically recommended to shampoo once or twice a week, giving a couple of days in between to prevent dryness. For others, shampooing every second or third day is usually sufficient, although some may need to shampoo daily depending on their hair and scalp needs.

So, next time you’re in the shower, remember to show some love to your scalp too! Keep it clean, keep it healthy, and say goodbye to those pesky scalp issues. Your hair will thank you for it!

For more information visit the Mayo Clinic YouTube page or

Source: Mayo Clinic on YouTube

5/21/24: The Scoop on Collagen Supplements

Have you noticed all those ads and videos hyping up collagen lately? They claim to work wonders, promising to erase wrinkles and tighten up that saggy skin. But what’s the real deal with collagen? I’m Clarissa Moon here with the scoop.

Collagen is a protein found in the deeper layers of our skin, giving it that plump, youthful appearance. As we age, though, our collagen production takes a nosedive. That’s where those collagen supplements come into play, right? Well, not so fast.

According to Dr. Dawn Davis, there’s not much solid evidence to back up the effectiveness of over-the-counter collagen supplements for anti-aging. Topical collagen can be tricky for the skin to absorb due to its chemical structure, making it less reliable.

So, before you splurge on those pricey supplements or creams, consider this: the best way to support your collagen and keep your skin looking fresh is through simple lifestyle changes. Cut back on the alcohol, say no to smoking (and secondhand smoke!), and slather on that sunscreen.

Remember, there’s no magic bullet for aging, but a healthy lifestyle is always in style!

For more information, visit the Mayo Clinic YouTube channel or

Source: Mayo Clinic on YouTube

5/28/24: How Loud is Too Loud?

Can you hear me now?…Good.

We live in a noisy world. Between traffic, sirens, dogs barking, bullfrogs belching, and the sweet serenade of KGAS radio; there’s always something going on!

Most of the time, these everyday noises aren’t loud enough to bother us or our ears. However, sometimes these noises can cause lasting damage.

Nearly 1 in 4 people in the US between the ages of 20 and 69 have some degree of hearing loss from exposure to loud noises.

So, how loud is too loud? 60 decibels is about the top of the safety zone. That’s about as loud as typical conversation or a sewing machine!

Then when you approach motorcycles, chain saws, or my husband’s snoring- then you need to look out! A good rule of thumb- if you have to shout to be heard by someone an arm’s length away, then that’s too much noise.

While unfortunately there is no way to repair this type of hearing loss, you can prevent it. Here’s how:

  • Wear ear protection
  • Use snug-fitting headphones that block background noise
  • Place pads under noisy appliances
  • Use carpet or rugs to absorb sound.

If you want to learn more on ear health, visit Mayo If you want more on health in general, I’m your gal!  Visit and tune in for another Moon Minute.



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